Friday, November 30, 2007

I've forgiven her

Well folks I had to give in.  I was given all sorts of nice tidbits. 


Today was nice and sunny and I spent it outside.  I saw Mum picking strawberries –she came and gave me one.   I enjoyed the change of scenery until it started to rain.  I did not get wet but it made a loud noise on my roof.  I called out and Mum came and got me, and took me back inside.  She said she had been asleep.  Still jet-lagged apparently.


Dog Angela did not even look at me when I was outside today; no need to screech at her at all! 


I will allow photos to be taken in a day or two.  Suffice to say my ankle warmers have not fluffed up, though I do have more oomph on the nape of my neck.  The feathers that appeared as down are getting bigger and more feathery!



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